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graphics library

The graphics library of fsmapper provides drawing capabilities to views and offscreen bitmaps.


graphics.color()Create a solid color brush object
graphics.rectangle()Create a SimpleGeometry object as a rectangle
graphics.rounded_rectangle()Create a SimpleGeometry object as a rounded rectangle
graphics.ellipse()Create a SimpleGeometry object as a ellipse
graphics.path()Create a geometry object defined as a path
graphics.bitmap()Create a bitmap object
graphics.system_font()Create a system font object
graphics.bitmap_font()Create a bitmap font object
graphics.rendering_context()Create a rendering context associated with a bitmap


RenderingContextObject representing a rendering context
ColorObject representing a solid color brush
SimpleGeometryObject representing a predefined simple geometry
PathObject representing a geometry defined as a path
BitmapObject representing a bitmap
SystemFontObject representing a system font
BitmapFontObject representing a bitmap based font

See Also